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  • Critical infrastructure plays an active and dynamic part in supporting modern society's seamless progression and assimilation. The performance, safety, reliability, continuous operation, maintenance, and protection of critical infrastructure are among the national priorities for countries worldwide. Critical infrastructure (CI) offers essential services that underpin society and serve as the backbone of any nation's economy, health, and security. The power used in homes and industries, potable water, transportation, and communication systems are a part of critical infrastructure.
  • The critical infrastructure sectors comprise assets, networks, and systems, whether physical or virtual. The physical protection of critical infrastructure can prevent the commission of high-impact terrorist attacks and avoid the cascading effects that are frequently associated with such attacks.
  • Therefore, the issue of critical infrastructure protection is emerging as one of the primary concerns for national governments, infrastructure managers, and local authorities.
  • Moreover, for the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, the nature of the operation and communica tion exposes them to numerous threats, which might be caused by hardware or software errors, human mistakes, or deliberate, malicious actions. Combating such threat risks, which can jeopardize the security of control systems and their critical infrastructure, requires protection strategies to be carefully designed and appropriately implemented.

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